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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Funny Pictures not mine but funny( creidt for lol pics is given to the photographer/owner who is not me 8-)

Be the Man that has the Floder

Fake it till you make it, ever heard that cliche?

  Perhaps at work you have had the all famous OWN IT pep talk from employer to employee.  

What about that guy who owns the pool business or your child's teacher for that fact? The way we see people is in part on how well they pull it off, in other part how we want to see them. If you go through your day with out second guessing yourself your owning it, your knowing whats up. That is a good feeling am I wrong? I am sure at some point it was not so natural feeling and that to is a good feeling to hold on to , never belittle another for not knowing or picking up on this or that in the same speed and or ease as you we are all different and little thing s effect people in varying magnitudes.


You ever stopped and wondered... y ? why am I so lucky?

Even on  your worst day if you make a chart with you and your life on

 one side and you and your life with out exactly what you do have on the other. 

Be Thankful for what you have not saddened by what you have yet to possess  

Talk the Talk Now Walk the Walk

       So, when is it OK to speak up about something that has been verbally gifted to you yet never received? I guess there is two many variables with that question so, let me paint an for instance...
       Your on your own with no complaints when you [against your better judgment] decide this guy that keeps trying to "know you"might not be so bad. After several more outings you guys are not together but talk often and have become friends. If your friend was in need what would you do? I helped and with out condition but flash forward to an issue of your own, and your friend offers help but you decline to later accept  and agree on a plan of action. The end , yup that is right this is the last you hear of said help ... what do you do?

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Why do so many of us do whatever we can in any means possible to be a part of a hurtful destructive cycle of rejection from a romantic interest? Someone whom somewhere along the line we have attached ourselves to? Because the heart want what it wants, really? A feeling that i can only compare to what I have heard being strung out on heroin and trying to kick it feels like seems not worthy of such extreme pain. Why would my heart want to repeatedly feel the hurt of disregarded over and over with little to know remorse by the inflicting party?

Thursday, May 22, 2014

  Pinterest, ever heard of it? The newest social share button found on nearly as many things as the all to familiar "Like us On Facebook" or "Tweet This on Twitter" is the red and white "Pin It" button. This Pin It button is a way to keep and share things you find of interest all over the web. Of course to pin it to a board you should sign up and have a board to pin it to, or join a community board.
   Community boards are boards created by someone who invites people also interested in the same stuff as the content  of the board where any member can pin. I have seen community boards on puppys, computers, war, and a wide range of topics. All boards on Pinterest are openly shared with the allotted 3 per account that are secret, although once you get into it you can't help but want to share and see what others are sharing.   Jewelry, Wood work, and Beauty Tutorials are a plenty, with some pins even having all the info right on the pin its self. Each pin, which consists of a photo, GIF, Video, Info-graph, or Map will usually link you to the tutorial page or site. There is tons more but head on over and see 4 yourself, oh I almost for got you can and should follow boards with interesting stuff as well as people who pin allot as this is what makes up your home feed or rather the stuff u will see when u log in.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Periodic Table Of SEO Success Factors

Many Thanks to the Brilliant Minds that share their secrets over @ Search Engine Land...   


Sunday, December 15, 2013

Reno in White

Friday, December 6, 2013

Reno NV